Name of organization:
New Era Educational and Charitable Support Initiative (NEEDCSI)
Description of organization:
NEEDCSI works to establish cross-cultural leadership teams of young women and men, with skills to become peer-leaders and agents of peace capable of helping themselves and influencing their communities for good. The organization was established in 2007 and works across Nigeria.
Project description/context:
NEEDCSI noted that high crime rate in Nigeria is due to the disunity between the diverse Nigerian population, which identifies with over 300 tribal ethnicities as well as dividing along Christian and Muslim religious lines. The project therefore provides training on conflict transformation, which focuses on creating a culture of peace through nonviolent approaches (building community, patriotism, good citizenship, global responsibility, neighborliness and religion’s role in peace-building).
Expected results:
By the end of the project, NEEDCSI expects to:
- Develop community partnerships through meetings with government officials and community leaders then produce and distribute 700 advocacy packages;
- Train 20 teachers and ten peer educators on peace education, conflict transformation and advocacy and train ten peer educators, who will then form Peace Education Clubs in ten high schools;
- Air 20 peace and public education messages on radio;
- Train 20 youth and community leaders on peace and reconciliation;
- Conduct dialogue circles for 50 religiously diverse youth;
- Film and produce a documentary on dialogue circles, which will be aired online and on local radio; and
- Broadcast the ‘Dialogue in Nigeria’ program weekly on Plateau television.
Project coordinator:
Ijigue Peter Monkom
Contact information: