Remarks by H.E. Mr. Miguel Moratinos The High Representative for UNAOC at the UAE/UNOCT High-level panel on Promoting Tolerance for
UNAOC High Representative’s Remarks at the Intercultural Innovation Award Ceremony in Madrid, Spain
The Intercultural Innovation Award 2019 Awards Ceremony Tuesday 10 December | Madrid, Spain Statement By The High Representative for the United
High Representative’s Remarks at the Consultation with Religious Leaders and Faith-based Organizations
High Representative's Remarks Consultation with Religious Leaders and Faith-based Organizations on the Implementation of the UN Plan of Action to
High Representative’s Remarks at the Consultation with Member States regarding the Implementation of the Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites
High Representative’s Remarks Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites - Consultation with Member States 2 December 2019
High Representative Holds Executive Briefing for Member States in Geneva
Executive Briefing by Mr. Miguel Moratinos The High Representative for UNAOC for Member States in Geneva Friday, 22 November 2019 Good
High Representative’s Remarks at the Baku Summit of World Religious Leaders
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Miguel Angel Moratinos The High-Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations II Baku Summit of World
UNAOC High Representative’s Remarks at the 2019 PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival Awards Ceremony
Remarks of H.E. Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations at the PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival
High Representative’s Remarks at the 3rd OIC Member States Conference on Mediation
Remarks by the High Representative of UNAOC H.E. Mr. Miguel Moratinos at The 3rd OIC Member States Conference on Mediation Exploring Effective
Remarks by the UNAOC High Representative at the High-Level Group of Friends Ministerial Meeting
Remarks by the High Representative for UNAOC Mr. Miguel Moratinos at the High-Level Group of Friends Ministerial Meeting 27 September 2019, United
Keynote Remarks by Mr. Moratinos at the High-Level Round Table on “Countering Hate Speech”
Keynote Remarks of H.E. Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) 74th Session of
UNAOC High Representative’s Remarks at “Uniting to Confront Violence Against Places of Worship”
Remarks by Mr. Miguel Moratinos The High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations at the Church Center Event ‘UNITING TO
Remarks by the UNAOC High Representative at the High-level Forum on the Culture of Peace
Remarks by Mr. Miguel Moratinos The High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations at the High-level Forum on the Culture of