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Fostering Gender Mainstreaming to Pursue PVE Goals through Sport: Developing New Guidelines for Member States and Sports Federations
July 12, 2023 | 8:00 am - 9:30 am
| Virtual
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Virtual Expert Meeting: Global Programme on the Security of Major Sporting Events, and Promotion of Sport and Its Values as a Tool to Prevent Violent Extremism (Global Sports Programme)
The Global Programme on the Security of Major Sporting Events, and Promotion of Sport and Its Values as a Tool to Prevent Violent Extremism (Global Sports Programme) is led by the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), through its Programme Office in Madrid, in partnership with the UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS), and in close consultation with the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED). The Global Sports Programme’s key objectives are to a) assist Member States in protecting vulnerable targets in the context of Major Sporting Events, and b) leverage the power of sports and its values to strengthen social cohesion and build resilience to violent extremism.
The Global Sports Programme serves as a platform for hundreds of national policymakers and practitioners nominated by 110 Member States as National Focal Points (NFPs) to facilitate substantive engagement vis-a-vis programmatic work. Acknowledging the crucial role that the NFPs continue playing to pursue sustainable policies through practices’ implementation, the Global Sports Programme will deliver a series of expert meetings addressing new challenges pertaining to its mission.
A 90-min discussion on Fostering Gender Mainstreaming to Pursue PVE Goals through Sport will kick start the series to identify actions to eliminate intolerance, gender inequality and double standards in sports practice and promote the leadership role of women and girls in sport for PVE.