Statement Attributable to
the Spokesperson of the High Representative for the
United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
on the Terrorist Attack at a Mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan
New York – 4 October 2021
The High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), H.E. Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, expresses his dismay and concern over the bomb blast outside the Eid Gah Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Sunday. According to recent news reports, the blast, which took place during a memorial service, killed several civilians.
The High Representative stresses that all forms of violence and acts of terror against worshippers and religious sites based on religion or belief are intolerable and unjustifiable. He reiterates that houses of worship are sacred havens where worshipers should be able to practice their faith safely and freely. He stresses that the resurgence in violence against people based on their religions or beliefs should not undermine our resolve to prevent and combat all forms of discrimination and intolerance.
He recalls the UN Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites, which was developed by UNAOC, and calls on all governments and relevant stakeholders to support the implementation of the plan to guarantee the safety of holy sites and worshipers.
On behalf of UNAOC, Mr. Moratinos expresses his condolences to the victims’ families and conveys his sympathy and solidarity to the people of Afghanistan.