Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson
for the High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
On the attack near a Jewish cemetery and synagogue in Halle – Germany
New York – 9 October 2019
The High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, strongly condemns the attack that took place today near a Jewish cemetery and synagogue in the east German city of Halle, in which at least two people were killed and two others injured according to the latest news reports. The tragic shootings took place on Yom Kippur, Judaism’s holiest day.
The High Representative stresses that all forms of violence and acts of terror targeting religious sites and worshipers, regardless of their faiths and beliefs, are unjustifiable. He recalls the United Nations Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites, which was developed by UNAOC and recently launched by the United Nations Secretary-General H.E. Mr. António Guterres and calls on all governments, as well as all relevant stakeholders, to support the implementation of the plan so as to guarantee the sanctity of worship places and the safety of worshipers.
The High Representative for UNAOC expresses his condolences to the victims’ families, the Government and people of Germany, and wishes a speedy recovery to those who were injured in the attack.