“Inter-Ethnic City: Management and Policies for a Better Integration of Migrants” held at UNHQ on September 28th, 2009
“The Inter-Ethnic City: Management and Policies for a Better Integration of Migrants”, a high-level roundtable, has taken place on 28 September in Conference Room 8 at United Nations Headquarters, from 9am to 1pm.
Jointly organized by the Permanent Missions of Italy and Canada, Alliance of Civilizations and International Organization of Migration, the Roundtable will examined good practices and processes for better integration at the level of cities as experienced by local administrators, policymakers, civil society organizations and academics. This event will showcased practical policies and facilitate networking of representatives of municipalities and other relevant institutions while providing visibility to the issue.
Download the programme for the Roundtable “The Inter-Ethnic City: Management and Policies for a Better Integration of Migrants”.
Click here to watch the webcast of this event.
Click here to read the full press release for the event (with contact information for media).
For additional information, contact Migration & Integration Officer Florence Laufer at laufer@un.org.