Press Statement Attributable to
the Spokesperson for the High Representative for
the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)
on the Suicide Attack on a Church Compound in Makassar, Indonesia
New York – 28 March 2021
The High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, condemns in the strongest possible terms the heinous and cowardly attack on Sunday on the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral in the city of Makassar, Indonesia. The suicide bomb attack injured 19 people as worshippers were wrapping up a mass marking Palm Sunday, the beginning of a Holy Week leading up to Easter.
The High Representative reiterates that all acts of violence and terror targeting places of worship and worshipers are unjustifiable and should not be tolerated. He stresses that this resurgence of violence against people based on their religion or belief should not obstruct nor undermine our collective efforts to prevent and combat all forms of discrimination and related intolerance.
The High Representative recalls the United Nations Plan of Action to Safeguard Religious Sites, developed by his office, and encourages all relevant stakeholders to support its implementation.
The High Representative wishes the victims injured in this despicable attack a speedy recovery.
Join UNAOC’s global call to action #forSafeWorship and contribute to our campaign celebrating the universality of religious sites as symbols of our shared humanity, history, and traditions.