27 Feb 2013 – Speakers: Heiner Bielefeldt, Brian J. Grim, Trond Bakkevig, Mustapha Ben Jaafar, Rabbi Arthur Schneier, Heidi Rautionmaa, Father Nabil Haddad, Ibrahim Salama
(Hofburg, Festsaal).
What have States to do, to uphold the universal human right of freedom of religion, thought and conscience in a context of growing diversity and pluralism? The starting point for defining the application of freedom of religion or belief must be the self- understanding of human beings – thereby, the concept of human dignity is a normative reference. Against the backdrop of signifi- cant political changes in many countries, this break-out session will also elaborate on the relationship between constitutional protections and the various dimensions of the right to manifest one’s religion or belief.
Rapporteur: Heiner Bielefeldt
Moderator: Ibrahim Salama