The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) organizes its 6th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, 26-29 March 2013, Athens, Greece.
The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars, researchers and students from all areas of Mediterranean Studies, such as history, arts, archaeology, philosophy, culture, sociology, politics, international relations, economics, business, sports, etc.
Please submit an abstract (email only) to:, using the abstract submission form available at by the 30 September 2012 to: Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Academic Member of ATINER and Associate Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece. Abstracts should include the following: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Affiliation, Current Position, an email address, and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Decisions are reached within 4 weeks.