The Social Policy Center at UNAOC Research Network Partner Koç University, Istanbul (Turkey) invites applications for a postdoctoral research fellow for EU Funded research project on the Use of New Media Technologies in Emergencies.
The successful candidate will provide general research and administrative support, assist with and conduct fieldwork interviews and document analysis, contribute to the preparation and dissemination of reports and papers, and participate in preparation of additional project proposals for national and international funding agencies. The appointee must possess a PhD in a media/communication studies, media technologies (particularly social media and mobile technologies), social studies of technology, sociology or related fields; be able to demonstrate a developing record of research; and will have excellent communication and organizational skills.
Interested applicants should submit inquiries and applications electronically to Lemi Baruh, lbaruh(at), by latest August 15, 2012 (applications will be processed on a rolling basis):
• Cover letter and a research statement
• Curriculum vitae
• Writing Samples (preferably copies of published work)
• Two reference letters (e-mailed directly by referees to the address above)