Proposals are invited by October 1 for a three day interdisciplinary conference on 23-25 March 2012 at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario CANADA, entitled “Islam and Democracy: Potential and Possibilities.”
This conference will consider critical and timely questions:
A) What is the outlook for democracy in Muslim-majority states?
B) And relatedly, to what extent are the principles of Islam and Democracy compatible?
Through intellectual exchange and interdisciplinary synthesis among legal scholars, historians, political scientists, philosophers, sociologists, anthropologists and professionals from outside of the academy, the conference aims to identify and foster the development of a set of core principles suited to democratic constitutions in Muslim-majority states.
Conference organizers invite the submission of proposals which should include a 300-word abstract and a short CV for the presenter. These are due by 1 October 2011 to islam-democracyhist(at) with “Islam and Democracy Conference” in the subject line. Final papers will be due on 31 January 2012. Some support for presenters’ travel and lodging expenses will be available. Further details on the themes are available at the conference website.
Visit the website at