The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations will convene its fourth annual Forum in Doha, Qatar from December 11-13, 2011. Over 2,000 participants, including political and corporate leaders, civil society activists, youth groups, faith communities, research centers, foundations and journalists, will come together to agree on joint actions to improve relations across cultures, combat prejudice and build lasting peace.
More than ever, our world is shaped by intense interaction among diverse cultural, religious and linguistic communities. This growing diversity is a source of enrichment and opportunity, but can also lead to tensions, misunderstanding and hostility. Building peaceful relations among diverse cultures has become one of the most important and challenging tasks faced by modern societies. The Doha Forum will convene a diverse network of actors that are working on this issue to share ideas, learn from each other, and listen to the needs of the grassroots in different communities around the world.
For more information please see:
Doha Forum Website
Official Forum Twitter account @qatar4unaoc
Pre-Forum Press Release
Program for the UNAOC Civil Society Pre-Forum
Concept Paper for the Civil Society Pre-Forum in Doha
Profiles of Participating CSOs
Draft Programme