The UN Alliance of Civilizations, represented by Research and Education Manager Dr. Thomas Uthup, participated in a series of side meetings from November 7-11, 2010 during the G20 Summit in Seoul, South Korea.

The Won Buddhism Office of the UN ( convened over 60 experts, representatives of interfaith and religious organizations, and current and former United Nations diplomats and staff for three meetings in Seoul and Iksan, South Korea during the G20 meeting. Participants were also treated with musical performances by “Voices of Peace,” a Jewish-Arab Women’s Choir and traditional Korean dances.

Thomas Uthup responds at Universal Ethics Summit
On Tuesday, November 9, at the Universal Ethics Summit, Dr. Uthup was a respondent on the panel on Moral Leadership and Green Redemption. He also participated on November 10, in a Women Leaders Summit which featured several women participating in sessions on economic reform, development and global solidarity, and new approaches to gender equality. On November 11, participants at the meetings traveled to Iksan where they were hosted for lunch by the President of Wonkwang University. Subsequently, a meeting was held on the theme of “G20 Dialogue among Civilizations, Cultures and Religions,” at the Won Buddhist Headquarters. Dr. Uthup was the keynote speaker for a panel on “Dialogue among Civilizations, Cultures and Religions on G20 Agenda,” at this meeting. Details about the meetings and its declarations are available at this site (

Thomas Uthup Keynote Speech, Dialogue Among Cultures, Civilizations and Religions
Prior to the Won Buddhism meetings, Dr. Uthup had a series of meetings with young South Koreans from the Korean National Commission for UNESCO, the military, business, and financial firms, and students on Sunday, November 7. On November 8, Dr. Uthup met with Mr. Kweon Ki-hwan, UNAOC focal point for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea. He also visited Seoul National University, where he explored possibilities of collaboration with faculty and gave a briefing about the UNAOC to a group of faculty and students.