Forum in Mumbai discusses Culture of Peace

The Mumbai Festival Forum on January 8-9, 2010 in Mumbai, India, is discussing the Culture of Peace. The creation of a world which embraces the principles of non-violence, respect for human rights, sustainable development and cultural diversity faces many challenges. Global trends threaten entire segments of societies with social, economic and cultural marginalization. The Culture of Peace is a set of values, attitudes, modes of behaviour and ways of life that reject violence and prevent conflicts by tackling their root causes.
The 2nd Festival Forum explores the ‘building bricks’ that are necessary for, or are being created to construct, this elusive Peace. The Forum assesses the challenge from a historical perspective through contributions that help us look at the roads we have taken, the options and opportunities available. Among the distinguished speakers and panelists are noted environmental thinker and activist for peace and justice Dr. Vandana Shiva; eminent Canadian geographer Dr. Derek Gregory; Asia Society President Dr. Vishakha Desai, President & Chief Executive, Asia Society; and other South Asian journalists, NGO leaders and academics. (See attached program for details).
Panelists will engage in debate with the audience to help bring strength and hope to people across the world that want peace, know it is achievable but also know that for peace to prevail, things have got to change. This event is for those that feel the need to be better informed to understand the issues and argue for changes that are needed.
The event partners include University of Mumbai, Bank of India, Asia Society India Centre, Canadian Consulate General- Mumbai, UNESCO and UN Alliance of Civilizations.
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