The Mediterranean Journalist Award, organized by the Anna Lindh Foundation and COPEAM, is the leading region-wide prize for journalists reporting across cultures and on issues of cultural diversity, with winning journalistic works chosen by an international jury of leading intellectuals and media experts.
The winners will be invited to a prestigious awarding ceremony, during which they will receive a trophy, a cash prize of 5000 Euros and an invitation to go on a reporting tour within the Mediterranean region.
For the 2009 edition, the award categories are:
(1) Printed Press;
(2) Television Productions;
(3) Radio Productions;
(4) Online Blogs;
(5) Special Award for Conflict Reporting.
To get involved, submit the following:
(1) A copy of your journalistic work
(2) For Radio & TV: The script in English OR French
(3) For Press & Blogs: A translation in English OR French
(4) Your CV
You can apply electronically by filling in the online Application Form or by sending the required documents to the following address:
Anna Lindh Foundation
Journalist Award
P.O. Box 732, El Mansheya
Alexandria 21111
Click here for more information about the Mediterranean Journalist Award.
ingy.sedky@bibalex.org with further inquiries about the award OR
Emmanuel Kattan, Senior Advisor-Communications for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.