Alliance of Civilizations Media Fund
Thursday 11 June 2009, 5:00 pm
South Court Auditorium, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building (5th Avenue and 42nd Street directions)
Popular media images or negative stereotypes that insult or humiliate Muslim groups have been shown to be related to the polarization between Muslim and Western societies. As rapid technological advances expand media’s capacity to shape our views of the world as well as each other, this panel seeks to investigate what role entertainment media (film, TV and new media) can play in improving cross-cultural understanding.
Panelists: H.M. Queen Noor (King Hussein Foundation), Benjamin Barber (Political theorist and author of Jihad vs. McWorld), Emmanuele Castano (The New School for Social Research, Italy/US), Mohamed El-Fatatry (CEO muxlim.com, Finland), Andrea ter Avest Dahm (dramatist, Netherlands).
Shamil Idriss, Alliance of Civilizations Media Fund, moderator
For further details about this event and to purchase tickets, click here.
The Alliance of Civilizations Media Fund event is being held as part of the Islam in Europe program being held at the New York Public Library in conjunction with the Muslim Voices: Arts & Ideas festival, which takes place between 5-14 June 2009. Please see the links below for more information:
Alliance of Civilizations Media Fund
Islam in Europe program
Muslim Voices: Arts & Ideas festival
New York Public Library